H Πανελλήνια Λίγκα 2018 αποτελεί πρόκριση για το XPC/RPS Powerlifting Arnold Sports Festival - USA 2019, υπό τις Διεθνείς Ομοσπονδίες Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate (RPS) & Xtreme Powerlifting Coalition (XPC). Όρια πρόκρισης: Greek Qualifier – Arnold Sports Festival 2019 Qualification for Arnold Classic XPC World 2019 1. MULTI-PLY LEVEL 1: PRO Pro level multiply utilizing single-ply suit with single-ply briefs, and single-ply bench shirt (open back allowed).
  1. MULTI-PLY LEVEL 2: PRO Pro level multiply utilizing multi-ply suit, and multi-ply bench shirt.
  2. CLASSIC: PRO Pro level classic where only belts, knee wraps (or sleeves), and wrist wraps are allowed.
  3. MULTI-PLY LEVEL 1: ELITE Elite level multiply utilizing single-ply suit with single-ply briefs, and single-ply bench shirt (open back allowed).
  4. MULTI-PLY LEVEL 2: ELITE Elite level multiply utilizing multi-ply suit, and multi-ply bench shirt.
  5. CLASSIC: ELITE Elite level classic where only belts, knee wraps (or sleeves), and wrist wraps are allowed.
Classic Raw Elite

Classic Raw Pro

Single-Ply Elite Single-Ply Pro Multi-Ply EliteMulti-Ply Pro  

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