Dear Fellow Sportsmen, Dear Friends,
“Sports Against Drugs” Hungary is a non-political and non-denominational movement that spans nations and countries, the main goal of which is to promote and implement a healthy lifestyle and a drug-free life.
The mission of the “Sports against drugs” movement in Hungary is to raise awareness
1. on the role of sport in building personality and establishing a healthy lifestyle.
2. to the positive feeling of belonging to the community and to the fact that being/living in a community promotes character development,
3. the negative effects of drug addiction and how sports and training can help achieve positive and lasting change.
The goal of the “Sports against drugs” Hungary organization is to address our fellow human beings, children, young adults and, if possible, other age groups, and to encourage them to participate in our anti-drug movement.
“Sports against drugs” Hungary welcomes participants from all sports to the outdoor training, which takes place on the first Saturday of June every year. The global world, the Internet, also enables connection in virtual space. The point is to represent as many sports as possible from all over the world, showing that we agree and do everything to achieve our goals.
“Sports against drugs” Hungary has set the following goals with its specific tools, and we are building the cooperation of all our sports partners and sports organizations participating in the movement on this, and we encourage our partners to do the same:
Goal is education to prevent drug use, education for peaceful coexistence by reducing violence between young people and creating a more favorable environment for their development, providing assistance to those suffering from drug addiction with the involvement of rehabilitation institutions and persons, professional and financial support of sports associations that participate in drug prevention in programs. Organization of drug prevention programs independently and in cooperation with other organizations.
For the “Sports against drugs” Hungary initiative, we welcome the applications of organizations from all sports and their active participation in the work.
We welcome the joining of all organizations that agree with the above goals and conditions and consistently comply with these rules.
We ask the organizations that have joined “Sports against drugs” Hungary to participate in the outdoor training organized on the first Saturday of June each year (which falls on June 7, 2025) in person, or if this is not possible, in the training presented in the virtual space.
You can join by sending the association’s logo to the “Sporttal a drog ellen” messenger
We ask and expect the affiliated sports organizations to accept our goals, think and act together with us.
Greetings from sports fans
Zoltán Keszi
“Sport against drugs” Hungary
Its founder